Gecric Integrity

Assured quality delivered!

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image Konney Kukulu Street, Mempeasem, East Legon icon_widget_image + (233) 30-296-1433 + (233) 55-253-2326 icon_widget_image [email protected]
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Gecric Integrity is undoubtedly a pipeline inspection leader in the Ghanaian Oil and Gas industry.

The landing area is a critical part of the helideck platform:

Keeping this safe for helicopter landings is a key safety measure. Helideck Friction Test carried out is based on UKCAA, CAP 437 which provides guidance on the periodicity of helideck friction testing between six months to three years depending on surface friction test result.


What we offer

Helipad Co-efficient friction Test

This is the method to ensure the chopper landing areas fit to land as per Aviation Standard.

Net Drop Test

This is the method to ensure safety condition of net around the helipad.

Pad Eye Pull Test

This is the method to ensure the chopper tidal areas fit to tie as per Aviation Standard.

Helideck Light System Services

To improve visual cueing for helicopter approching and landings offshore